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Kerstin Bolseng

For as long as I can remember, creativity has lived and breathed within my soul. Most aspects of my life have involved an inspirational perspective and sense of wonder.  As a little girl, I fully embraced the imaginative amusement to the everyday, it was my escape at times through the chaos and uncertainty of childhood. A dreamer from the get-go, I existed in the world within a world of my own, where play and curiosity were forefront to my being. Whether through music, singing, or random artsiness, immersed in stories, poetry and scribbles, or exploring the outdoors,  I noticed and responded to the beauty, expanding curiosity and ultimately infatuation of the things I would see beyond the first glance, studying every detail and nuance. I always wanted to dive deeper beneath the surface, and I think that’s what I continue to do, to this day. Dive deep, an explorer of depths… in life, in death, everything in between… and nature is always calling. I’ve always carried this image in my mind, of floating underwater, beneath the surface, seeing the sun glimmering above the water, the movement of the slight waves pulsating in rhythm, looking up at the world from below – where all the noise is muted, and I can hear the constant of my heart muscle beating, it’s peaceful there, suspended in a moment where I just float and gaze and ponder. I draw on this place frequently, as a way to unwind and revive; bringing myself back down to the depths where magic flows and time moves slowly, muffled. I know when to return to the surface and when to return below.

And then I get sideswiped by the hectic demands of modern life… the energy drains, the days turn to minutes that whirlwind into a tornado of obligation and schedules. I fight through the gaps in the air as it swirls, catching glimpses of light and magic, knowing the wind eventually passes through, tossing you somewhere into the great field of the unknown, and you pick yourself up to continue the trek on through… onwards, upwards, backwards, sideways, making something of the days, making something of the beauty scattered throughout – as small and seemingly insignificant – that holds a windblown piece of you, your very essence from the shimmery depths – flung upon the canvas, or song, or poetry scrawl, or point of view… and all of the magic and uncertainty, from the very beginning to the very end, is held within these fleeting artifacts of imagination.